
Monday, April 6, 2015

A new season, new household, new everything

 Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I can't really describe what makes it so special. Maybe because it feels like it's the gateway to Spring (my favorite season). Kids hunt for eggs beside tiny mounds of melting snow or behind the tiny green stalks burrowing out of the dirt. I like bunnies and pastels and jello eggs (jello poured into egg-shaped molds and a tradition in my household) and flowers and family.

This year, Easter was a day of transition and a reminder of what I'm getting myself into.

On Saturday, I planned on taking a few of my bags over to my new room. I wanted to prove my independence by transporting all my things myself, but quickly realized that it would be nearly impossible. I could do it, but it would take many trips on the ferry and bus to accomplish this task. I really didn't realize how much stuff I had and how heavy it would be until I packed it all up and tried to move it.

I thought I should pack up one back and bring it over to my room, so I filled my backpack with books and headed out to meet the house manager to get my keys. A few things went wrong though. I missed the ferry I was going to catch, the next ferry was late, then the manager asked if I'd rather meet her downtown in the International District. Not having a smartphone that can easily access a map, I had to ask for help from my parentals (2,000 miles away) for directions. After their valuable help, I did find the way, but after trekking up steep Seattle hills with a 50 lb backpack, I was beat.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to get on the bus and go all the way to my apartment, but finally decided to just do it. When I arrived, the roommates were surprised to see me. Little did I know, the house manager supposedly doesn't have very good communication with the tenants and didn't tell them I was moving in. It was awkward for them, awkward for me, awkward all around.

I sat down with one of them who was watching reruns of 90210, but after awhile decided to head back to Bainbridge. On the bus ride home, I asked Clo, the office manager at YES! and angel house mom, if she would be able to help my transport my stuff. Thank goodness she said yes.

So yesterday, Clo helped me move my stuff in the afternoon after she picked up the new graphics intern and showed her around the island. When I got to my new place, I unpacked a little and then ventured out to the store.

At the intern house, the rooms were furnished. They had towels, comforters, blankets, pillows - but not here. In Jas' words, I was going to have to "rough it," meaning buy an air mattress and live minimally but when I got to Target, they were closed because it was Easter. I would really have to "rough it." So much for loving Easter.

Heading back, I saw Walgreens was open, so I wandered in. I looked around a bit and went down the discount aisle. That's when I found it: an air mattress. Thank goodness I wouldn't have to sleep on the ground but when I got home, I realized that it didn't have a pump and I'd have to blow it up myself. So I put Grey's Anatomy on and puff after puff blew that mattress up.

By the end, I was ready for bed. It was 9 p.m.

It was kind of chilly so I put on some thick socks, a sweatshirt and long pants. After tossing and turning, shivering, and downright freezing, I got up. I rearranged my sleepwear so I was wearing leggings, two pairs of long pants, two pairs of thick socks, a long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, zip-up, hoodie, hat, scarf, and gloves. You're thinking I'm crazy right now, aren't you? I literally think I'm crazy too. I half wonder if it was psychological because I was still tossing, turning and cold all night.

When I woke up, guess what I did. I went to Target and bought a comforter. Hopefully I'm not as cold tonight. Oh the joy of moving somewhere with just a suitcase.

On the bright side, I got an Easter box from my parents and grandma at the end of last week. It brightened my transition. They put together a box of ingredients for Apple Salad (aka Kayla Salad because it's my favorite) and other Easter goodies. Here are a few pics from the box.

Coconut flavored popcorn, a bag full of candy from my grandma, biscotti, trail mix, apple salad ingredients, Bella Grace Magazine - THANKS!

Candy, candy and more candy!

My mom always decorates the box with seasonal paper. Here's an up-close view with a bunch of Spring-ish words.

Throwback to 2001 when I was helping with Easter dinner by arranging jello eggs.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I just booked a ticket back home to Michigan...APRIL FOOLS!

Wait...I'm staying in Seattle? Yup.

It was getting down to the wire. I had to choose: a plane ticket or an apartment.

There were pros and cons to each. It's so much safer to go home where I can see my family, cuddle with my dog and sleep in my room. But then again, would I be able to find a job in my small town? Well, I would be applying to places everywhere and could move to that location when I got the job. But it's so much harder to get a job when you aren't in that city. I do have a couple of leads on jobs I want in Seattle, but who knows when they will get back to me?

I struggled to sort through my thoughts and asked a TON of people their advice. B told me to get an apartment and take a chance because if I go home I could get stuck. My grandma said maybe I should wait it out and see if any of these jobs come through. She reminded me that my mom went to California when she was young and it opened her eyes and fostered a lot of self-growth. MSM told me to come home and then quickly changed his mind and said I better stay because I always do the opposite of what he says.

It was such a difficult decision. And then I made up my mind. I called my dad up and said with vigor "I'm coming home, Dad!" Guess what he said. He said that I have some really good opportunities in Seattle. He told me he wanted me to be happy and that he knows that I really want a job and that it wouldn't hurt to stick it out here. He'd hate to see me fly all the way back to Michigan and get an offer and have to fly all the way back to Seattle. "Think it over," he said.

Thanks a lot, Dad. I'd already thought about it so hard, why'd he have to go and mix me up again? That night, my mind was still set on going home. I think I was also so ready to leave because I had been looking for a room to rent with hardly any luck. If I were going to stay, I needed to know I wasn't going to be homeless. Finally, some people finally responded to me and although this didn't change my mind about leaving, it made me breathe a little easier.

So Monday, I decided to take a look at a room so I took the ferry across Puget Sound, wandered around until I found the Pioneer Square station, rode the bus across town, and walked until I found the house I was looking for. In her car was the rental manager. She showed me around the house and it looked like these girls were young, welcoming, fun people. There was a well-stocked bookshelf, St. Patrick's Day decorations, a dry erase board with their names and pictures of what they did (one had a stethoscope, another a cocktail, etc.). I told the lady I'd think about it and took a stroll. The public library was across from the bus stop and had a gorgeous little nature area. Just steps from that was a mall and shopping area and after awhile, I started to think I could see myself there.

So yesterday, I decided to jump on the opportunity. Even today I called my dad again upset and wanting to come home, but he talked me through it. I'm not sure what will come of it, but I'm going to work my tail off to get where I want to be, whether I stay here or go home. But for now, I'm going to try it out. Sooooo please send good vibes my way and I'll try to send some back. xoxo